Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm going to try to explain the greatness of MetroCon.

A Con (short for convention) in general is basically when a whole bunch of people dress up as anime characters. What is anime? Well, it's, to say the least, Japanese cartoons. These Cons take place all over the world and they are a wonderful place for anime lovers to go and meet new people!

MetroCon is one of these anime conventions, it takes place in Florida. I had the chance to go there and experience first hand what MetroCon was like. A lot of people that live a substantial distance away usually stay in the hotel that is connected to the convention center in Tampa, Florida (That's where I stayed). We arrived after the Con had already started so, when we got to the hotel room, the first thing we did was get dressed for the Con. When we finished getting dressed, we went to the convention center. It was a wonderful sight to see. As soon as we walked in there were already other Cosplayers (People that dress up as anime characters, like we were doing.)

One of the things we did while at MetroCon was go to the 'Dealer's Room'; here you can buy various anime trinkets and such. You can also buy weapons like swords! lol ^.^ You can also buy rave things. A rave is the dance/party thing that most Cons have. A lot of people dress up with glow sticks and light up things, very gaudy attire. (Personally I think it looks kind of cool when they don't completely over do it.)

Another of the things we did was go to panels. Panels are just rooms where other Cosplayers do skits and such for the entertainment of their fellow cos-.....well....this is just really hard to explain....go to a Con for yourself and see the wonderfulness.

1 comment:

  1. yeah it's probably good that you stopped there, you don't want to completely overload the brains of the Non-Con-goers. lol ^_^ <3
