Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OGT's WOO!...not

So, this morning we spent two hours taking the Mathematics portion of the OGT's. For one, there is no way that the OGT is going to take me the entire two hours...except for maybe on the writing part...but that's mostly because I'll get carried away.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but these tests are extremely easy. If you can't pass (at least the math and reading parts so far) then either you're a REALLY bad test taker or you probably should go back to middle school...If by the time you're a senior and you have yet to pass the OGT's there's probably no chance for you in college due to the fact that the OGT's are lacking in preparation for the ACT, and the only job you'll be able to get without college education is probably working the drive-thru at McDonald's....So, good luck with your life.

I really don't have any worries about the OGT's they're just making the school day shorter and they're giving me plenty of reading time. So, I thank you Ohio's Government for giving me that much needed break to read. However, I am worried about the ACT's again due to the OGT's lack of preparation...so, I see much ACT practicing in the near future.

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