Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why Not Eat Bugs?

Chocolate-covered Scorpions
To be completely honest, I am perfectly happy eating bugs the way I do now. I don't see them in my food, no eyes or larvae or anything, to me its just soup or peanut butter.

For those people that want to eat bugs I say that they should be openly available to those people. I support those of you that want to eat bugs, I don't mind. But for me I just really hate bugs, even just looking at them creeps me out. I think I'll go vegetarian before I resort to eating WHOLE bugs. (Peanut butter is fine for my protein resource)

I understand that eating bugs would be good for the economy and everything. But they already put them in my food so, maybe they could just put them in more sorts of food. Again, I'm alright with it as long as I can't see them.

And the whole "less diseases" thing, well, that's probably true. We are so different from bugs that we wouldn't get diseases from them like we can from pigs. Fortunatley, pork doesn't crunch, I don't think I could handle a bug crunching in my mouth, I can barely handle them being crunched when someone steps on one.

In conclusion, people that want to eat bugs, go for it. I'm gonna stick with what I'm doing now.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm going to try to explain the greatness of MetroCon.

A Con (short for convention) in general is basically when a whole bunch of people dress up as anime characters. What is anime? Well, it's, to say the least, Japanese cartoons. These Cons take place all over the world and they are a wonderful place for anime lovers to go and meet new people!

MetroCon is one of these anime conventions, it takes place in Florida. I had the chance to go there and experience first hand what MetroCon was like. A lot of people that live a substantial distance away usually stay in the hotel that is connected to the convention center in Tampa, Florida (That's where I stayed). We arrived after the Con had already started so, when we got to the hotel room, the first thing we did was get dressed for the Con. When we finished getting dressed, we went to the convention center. It was a wonderful sight to see. As soon as we walked in there were already other Cosplayers (People that dress up as anime characters, like we were doing.)

One of the things we did while at MetroCon was go to the 'Dealer's Room'; here you can buy various anime trinkets and such. You can also buy weapons like swords! lol ^.^ You can also buy rave things. A rave is the dance/party thing that most Cons have. A lot of people dress up with glow sticks and light up things, very gaudy attire. (Personally I think it looks kind of cool when they don't completely over do it.)

Another of the things we did was go to panels. Panels are just rooms where other Cosplayers do skits and such for the entertainment of their fellow cos-.....well....this is just really hard to explain....go to a Con for yourself and see the wonderfulness.

Monday, November 22, 2010


For Thanksgiving, I go down to my great-grandma's (Mamaw) house. We've done this since before I was born. We just recently started leaving on Thursday and eating Thanksgiving dinner on Friday so everyone can get there. We usually have at least 12 people there. 

Unfortunatley, not everyone can be there, like my cousin. He is in the Marines and he can't always be there. We can't replace him with a new member to the family, but this is going to be my nephew, Spencer's first Thanksgiving. 

I can't wait for the dinner. Its always amazing...except for the preparation...Mamaw cooks the internal organs and feeds them to the dogs >.< but at least she's not being wasteful I guess.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Prader Willi Syndrome Video Response

There are certain people at school even that I've noticed aren't quite like the rest of us. They are "special" of course I don't mean that in a bad way. I do admit that I avoid contact with them, but that is only because I don't know how to say anything to them, or whatnot. However, if they were to say, "Hi." or something I would respond to them and I'd be kind.

It isn't something that a person is really born with but I've seen Alzheimer's disease and I've seen what it does to people. My Great-grandfather, whom I was very close to had it for a while before he passed away. It was really hard to try and start up a conversation with him expecially so when he saw something that wasn't actually there. But regardless I still loved him, he was still Pa-paw and up to the day he passed, he remembered me and that really made me happy.

If I were to have a child with special-needs I would of course love them and keep them. I would do what I needed to make sure they were as healthy as they could be. ^.^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My friends are extremely important to me. I hold them close and I really do love them for all that they are. There are times when they can be annoying or whatnot, but the times that they're fun and kind and loving outweigh those times in a huge ammount.

I've been through some tough times and through each of those times one of my friends had been there for me, even if I don't really talk to them or see them anymore, I still have them on my mind because the fact that they helped me and were there for me and made me laugh kept them there in that part of my brain that holds the good memories and such.

On the other hand those friends of mine have been through some tough stuff themselves and I do my best to try and cheer them up or do whatever needs to be done to help them feel better. I can't stand to see them hurt and when they are and someone made them feel that way I FEEL like I should go kick some butt. (I never do but...I sometimes wish there weren't consequences to that action...but there is...so...yeah...)

Anyway, I love you guys and I just want to let you know that.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Way to Die? 2?

Landfills >.<

To be completely honest it kinda makes me upset that I've already written about this topic and I don't really want to be redundant...but I guess I'm forced to be. So here it is Another Way to Die? 2? Yes, yes a wonderful title I know.

We watched the video discussing the planet and the things we're doing to kill it. But, that's weird
because recently I've been listening to a song by my favorite band, Disturbed: "Another Way to Die." The song talks about how we are creating another way to die by killing the planet, well basically, that's the gist of it.

I can honestly agree with pretty much everything in this song. I wasn't just bobbing my head to the beat it was more of nodding in agreement, it made me realize that we are sort of waiting for Mother Nature to strike back because of all that we've done.

Personally I think that we should be conscious of what we are doing. We shouldn't wait to let something get so bad that the government HAS to step in to try and salvage whatever we have left. I've heard that littering and the wasting of cans and bottles has more than doubled within the last decade.

People, including myself, seem to talk about wanting to recycle and wanting to remember to turn off electronics and such, but we seem to forget and let it slip our minds. Granted there are a few people that put forth that effort to take one more step and toss a piece of paper in a recycling bin instead of the trash can. I think that now is the time to start something, a bit of a revolution to recycle, to help save and rebuild what we have left of this Earth.

**I really suggest you check out this video I thought it was rather 'eye opening'**
If you want to watch the music video to "Another Way to Die" by Disturbed here it is:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Marlboro Marine

U.S. Marine Corps.
I know what its like to have loved ones sent to Iraq or Afganistan, I have two cousins in the Marines and one in the Army (there is a difference). All of them have been deployed at least once. I can remember sending them things they could really use (they asked for good snacks A LOT ^.^)

Fortunatley for my family and I, when each of them came back, yes, they were different (meaning they had changed a bit from their experiences), but it wasn't a dramatic change. They were able to deal with whatever had happened to them over there, and we can all still have fun as a family.

Some will say that the people that are deployed over seas are murderers and that they aren't as good as those of us that haven't fought for our country. Honestly, that really wouldn't help make them feel better, especially if they suffer from PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) I don't know what my cousins did over there, but I could never consider them murderers.

What happened to Blake Miller (Marlboro Marine) is depressing, he lost things he loved because he was sent to Iraq. I am extremely glad that nothing like that has happened to my family, and I hope it stays that way.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another Way to Die?

Landfills >.<
We watched the video discussing the planet and the things we're doing to kill it. But, that's weird because recently I've been listening to a song by my favorite band, Disturbed: "Another Way to Die." The song talks about how we are creating another way to die by killing the planet, well basically, that's the gist of it.

I can honestly agree with pretty much everything in this song. I wasn't just bobbing my head to the beat it was more of nodding in agreement, it made me realize that we are sort of waiting for Mother Nature to strike back because of all that we've done.

Personally I think that we should be conscious of what we are doing. We shouldn't wait to let something get so bad that the government HAS to step in to try and salvage whatever we have left. I've heard that littering and the wasting of cans and bottles has more than doubled within the last decade.

People, including myself, seem to talk about wanting to recycle and wanting to remember to turn off electronics and such, but we seem to forget and let it slip our minds. Granted there are a few people that put forth that effort to take one more step and toss a piece of paper in a recycling bin instead of the trash can. I think that now is the time to start something, a bit of a revolution to recycle, to help save and rebuild what we have left of this Earth.

**I really suggest you check out this video I thought it was rather 'eye opening'**
If you want to watch the music video to "Another Way to Die" by Disturbed here it is:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Random Stuff

I honestly don't have a whole lot to write about this time so, I'm just going to write about random stuff, or things that happened this week or something.

Well, yesterday, I had fun at the Heights vs. Central Crossing game. I'd like to say congrats to my cousin who was in the 8th grade band who was also playing at Central you guys played pretty good. I met somes people from Central that were extremely nice, its always great to meet new people. I went home and totally crashed afterwards though, well after playing Guitar Hero for a bit that is ^.^

Today I woke up fairly early, I think my internal clock was like "Holy crap you gotta get up for school!" But the sad thing is we don't have school today so I was kinda mad at that clock >.< Later on, my sister came over and brought my nephew, Spencer with her ^.^ its really awesome to take care of him when you know if he starts crying I can yell for either my sister or my mom and they come and take him until he stops crying XD. I am currently sitting over at my sister's right now watching the OSU game. I really, really wish that Mom and Brenna would get back so we can put some food on the grill 'cause I'm starving.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Doll Face

Personally I found the video to be a slight bit creepy. It reminded me of something you would see on the SyFy channel. But considering I like the SyFy channel, it was kind of awesome, in a creepy way of course. The fact that there wasn’t any dialogue was kind of cool; it made the video look more mysterious and different considering most YouTube videos do contain some dialogue.

In the video, you see this face-thing looking at a TV with a woman on it and every time the woman on the screen changes her appearance, the “Doll Face” tries to look exactly like that woman and each time the TV gets further away, the face stretches further and further to reach it until the machine the face is attached to breaks.
It really reminds me of how society seems to treat people, especially women. Fashion changes all the time, and each time you see people going out of their way to go buy the latest thing. There is a certain way people think they should look, they want to look like the people they see on TV, so they go out and try to buy things or do things that will make them look like that and they aren’t happy until they do.
Honestly, I don’t much care for the “new” style that seems to be going around, like plaid…*eye twitch* I try to keep it simple and just go for the whole black T-Shirt and jeans thing…however, I did fall into the skinny jean fad, I like them lol.

Monday, August 30, 2010


My summer was rather awesome. I spent time with friends and with family, I met new people and all in all I had a great time this summer. Really, the first month of summer, I didn’t do very much. I stayed home for the most part; I occasionally went swimming and spent some time with friends.

During the second month of summer is when it started getting a bit more interesting. I spent two weeks with my great grandmother in Chesapeake, Ohio. I spent a lot of time with my family, but basically my time there was to help out my grandmother and to relax before going on a big trip.
Chrissy, Me, and Breanna in Florida!
I stayed at my house for about a week before I went off again, this time; I went to Florida with two of my friends, Breanna and Chrissy. For the first few days, we were going to an anime convention, we got to dress up and be silly for a bit and that’s always fun. After the con was over, we drove to Orlando and we went to Universal Islands of Adventure. We went to the Harry Potter section. We rode a few rides, got sunburns, but mostly, we had a ton of fun. The rest of the trip was mostly for relaxing by the pool and hanging out at the beach. 
All summer my sister had been pregnant and the baby was due a week after I got back from Florida, August 6. However, he must have decided not to arrive that day. My sister had then been SCHEDULED to have him on August 12th. But, he must have decided that particular day wasn’t good for him and Spencer William Ellis was born August 11th, 2010. Since then I have realized really how much work babies are, but I love him and hope the best for him.

The day before school started my friend Dei, my sister and I went to the Uproar Festival to see Disturbed and Avenged Sevenfold play. I was a rather awesome night, and I’d love to go see Disturbed play again.

Now school has started and I am somewhat glad that it has, there are a lot of people that I was glad to talk to again. I’m hoping that this year will go great and that I’ll be more motivated to try a little harder than I have been when it comes to school.

Dei and I at the Uproar Festival