Friday, February 25, 2011

Poetry (Post #4)

Well, well, poetry. I don't really like you all that much. Sometimes poetry can be cool, and pretty, but I'm not good at it. I'm more of a story person. I like to be told what you mean, and I like details. For me poetry lacks those. Its like a blurry picture for me.

I don't like to write it, because I feel like I don't get my point across, and I just can't put passion into it. That lack of experience and knowledge of how words can flow together in poetry I think will really make performing my slam poem difficult. Not to mention I'm not a good performer in the first place.

For me, any poetry that I make seems...well...scatter-brained and it sounds like I have no idea what I'm talking about, but that's because I have a hard time fitting it all together. Poetry is writing, yes, but it is something completely different from writing a story.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Do I Feel About Signing Up for Things on the Internet?

One of the sites that we had to sign up for...that I don't much care for...

Well, I know that technology is all around us, and I know in this class we are trying to get in touch with the things we can do on the Internet. There are some problems I have with this though, I only have one email account, so all of the stuff we had to sign up for, I used that email to do so, and now, I find myself having 100s of junk-mail things from these websites and its so annoying! 

Not to mention, some of the things (webspiration) we haven't used since we made them. And I know that (unless of course we still need  a blog for english class or college) I'm probably never going to use this site ever again, because if I have something to say, I'm going to post it on FaceBook where people I know can see it. To be honest, I don't read other peoples' blogs and I'm sure they don't read mine either; so, my point, if indeed I am making one, probably won't get across to the people I'm trying to make it to.

Yeahh...Winter (Blog for Feb. 4)

The only pictures I could find were of pretty FORESTS or MOUNTAINS!

So, winter is such a wonderful, beautiful time right? I don't think so... Yeah, sure when the snow first falls its white and beautiful. Usually in the woods or whatever, its still rather untouched and pretty. The roads are cleared and the snow is pused to the side and now its dirty and black-grey-brown looking.

With all the pollution and such in the air, I wouldn't let my nephew (if he was old enough) eat even the white snow (we all already know that yellow snow is bad XD) I hate the fact that during winter, Ohio seems to be grey and boring, and not to mention its cold. I wonder what a winter in Finland would look like...It would obviously be colder, but would it be prettier than it is here in Columbus/Grove City?

Winter is not one of the seasons that I like, and it seems to drag on forever, to be honest, I think fall and spring have more 'character' than winter. They are much funner to write about.