Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Review of Sophomore Year

How can you sum up a whole year of school in a few words. Well, this year I can manage it in only a few words: Could've been worse, but it could've been a whole lot better.

I think my Freshman year was a lot better, based on the amount of work, teachers, and relationships. Achedemically, I think my Sophomore year was better. I feel like the semester split the year into two different years, it seems like it was a year ago when I was in art, and 6th period lunch.

But oh, well, the year is almost over. And I really want to make this origami money stuff...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I Hope My Kids Will Be Different

I've seen what kids today are watching, and I can't say that I approve. The word "Pissed," isn't exactly a cuss word, but it's not like I want a six year old going around and saying it.

And sagging! Why?! It is the most ridiculous fad I've ever seen. I've already said that if my nephew even thinks about it, it'll be more embarrassing if I pants him than it will be if I just pull up his pants. Wear a belt! I mean come on, I don't really wanna see your boxers or your basketball shorts. I'm sure if some people actually looked up the way that sagging got started, some would be steered away from it. So, go look it up people!

My kids are going to be taught things like what a gun is and how to use one. That's sort of how I was brought up, and I know what a gun can do, and I never thought of even touching one unless my dad was around. These are the kind of things that parents are all shocked about. "You let your kid handle a gun!?" The answer to that is yes, but only to show them how to be safe around them. Kids are curious about things they don't know about, if they're introduced to something like that, then they know how to be safe.

I can't imagine letting my kids lay around playing video games all day. Facebooking every second of free time that they have. No. If I need to, I'll definitely kick their butts outside to get some exercise. I'll teach 'em how to throw a ball and I'll go to their games.

I just hope they'll be different. That they'll care about their grades, the lives of others, and their future. I hope, that one day, far, FAR, into the future when I have kids, they'll actually like me as much as a kid can like their mom, and I just hope their lives end up the way they wanted them to be.

Friday, May 6, 2011

dgriogrIOabhe Blog #2

Good luck pronouncing that title. But whatever it is, that's how I feel. You'd think that as school comes closer to an end, that I would feel better, but I don't.

Mother's Day is Sunday, and I don't know what to get my mom. Not to mention that the report for this class is due the Tuesday we get back, and I won't be home all weekend. Woo. But anyways. I'm utterly bored, there really isn't a lot to talk about. I really didn't want to come to school today. I wanted to stay at home and lay in my nice, warm bed all day. But obviously since I'm writing this, I'm not at home.

I just want it to be summer already.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

6th 6 Weeks, Blog Post 1

Well, I think I've set too many goals for myself, because I'm so extremely stressed. I'm simultaneously trying to lose weight, keep my grades up, look for a job, and do chores, and get my license. It's a lot to handle. But, my mom just basically said to me that that's nothing.

Oh, well. I'll get through it. Always manage to get through the crap that I'm in. It's just unfortunate that it's all happening right at the end of the year.

On the other hand, there is the end of the year to look forward to. This year hasn't been the best in terms of school. Some of the teachers that I had last year, I think, were a whole lot better than the ones I have this year, but that's only a select few. On top of me not particularly liking some of the teachers, this year seems to have dragged on and on, I feel like last semester was last year! Ugh, I just want it to be over.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Slam Poem?

So, I read my poem yesterday. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought. Though, I do wish I'd read a poem I thought of later that day:

No where near elation
Simple fixation
Only mutilation
Give into temptation
Easy sedation
Lack of concentration
No reason for celebration
No time for relaxation
Complete suffocation
Rewritten declaration
No more complication

I like it a lot better than the one I did read. Point is, it's over, and I'm happy about it. Really talking in front of people was my problem with this, it was the word 'perform' that made me unhappy. Most of the time (out in the 'world of work') you most likely won't be asked to get up on a stage and perform anything.

Though, I must say that a little of my stage fright has disappeared, and I'm glad that it has. Between slam poems yesterday, and being in band for three years, I think I'm pretty good at stages now. Just don't ask me to sing anything, because I just won't do it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Post Number 4

So, just when I think I'm done for the day...oh look, I have to write a blog. Blogging doesn't make me feel good, I have nothing to say to the world, blogging is nothing but a waste of my time. I really have better things to be doing or learning than trying to come up with 200 words of poo.

When highschool is over (unless I need it for a college class) I will probably never ever blog again. Facebook is plenty enough 'blogging' for me. I update my status when I think of something funny or inspirational. Even then it's like what? A sentence maybe two?

So, I really can't wait until we don't have to blog anymore.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OGT's WOO!...not

So, this morning we spent two hours taking the Mathematics portion of the OGT's. For one, there is no way that the OGT is going to take me the entire two hours...except for maybe on the writing part...but that's mostly because I'll get carried away.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but these tests are extremely easy. If you can't pass (at least the math and reading parts so far) then either you're a REALLY bad test taker or you probably should go back to middle school...If by the time you're a senior and you have yet to pass the OGT's there's probably no chance for you in college due to the fact that the OGT's are lacking in preparation for the ACT, and the only job you'll be able to get without college education is probably working the drive-thru at McDonald's....So, good luck with your life.

I really don't have any worries about the OGT's they're just making the school day shorter and they're giving me plenty of reading time. So, I thank you Ohio's Government for giving me that much needed break to read. However, I am worried about the ACT's again due to the OGT's lack of preparation...so, I see much ACT practicing in the near future.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy Series

The first book in the series.

I love these books. Or at least I did at the begining of the series. The first three books I zoomed through however I feel like the next couple are taking me forever. They sort of are one, because I don't have the time to read all that much, and two, because the begining of the books seem just, tedious to read almost.

At the beginning of this book, they're just making plans and its all very boring...not enough action I guess. But now that they've carried out the first part of the plan I'm hoping that it will get better. I hope that it will be easier for me to get through it after it picks up and starts its journey to the climax of the story.

I will finish the series. I'm determined. And I also have other books that I REALLY want to read, so I have to make it through these, and soon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poetry (Post #4)

Well, well, poetry. I don't really like you all that much. Sometimes poetry can be cool, and pretty, but I'm not good at it. I'm more of a story person. I like to be told what you mean, and I like details. For me poetry lacks those. Its like a blurry picture for me.

I don't like to write it, because I feel like I don't get my point across, and I just can't put passion into it. That lack of experience and knowledge of how words can flow together in poetry I think will really make performing my slam poem difficult. Not to mention I'm not a good performer in the first place.

For me, any poetry that I make seems...well...scatter-brained and it sounds like I have no idea what I'm talking about, but that's because I have a hard time fitting it all together. Poetry is writing, yes, but it is something completely different from writing a story.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Do I Feel About Signing Up for Things on the Internet?

One of the sites that we had to sign up for...that I don't much care for...

Well, I know that technology is all around us, and I know in this class we are trying to get in touch with the things we can do on the Internet. There are some problems I have with this though, I only have one email account, so all of the stuff we had to sign up for, I used that email to do so, and now, I find myself having 100s of junk-mail things from these websites and its so annoying! 

Not to mention, some of the things (webspiration) we haven't used since we made them. And I know that (unless of course we still need  a blog for english class or college) I'm probably never going to use this site ever again, because if I have something to say, I'm going to post it on FaceBook where people I know can see it. To be honest, I don't read other peoples' blogs and I'm sure they don't read mine either; so, my point, if indeed I am making one, probably won't get across to the people I'm trying to make it to.

Yeahh...Winter (Blog for Feb. 4)

The only pictures I could find were of pretty FORESTS or MOUNTAINS!

So, winter is such a wonderful, beautiful time right? I don't think so... Yeah, sure when the snow first falls its white and beautiful. Usually in the woods or whatever, its still rather untouched and pretty. The roads are cleared and the snow is pused to the side and now its dirty and black-grey-brown looking.

With all the pollution and such in the air, I wouldn't let my nephew (if he was old enough) eat even the white snow (we all already know that yellow snow is bad XD) I hate the fact that during winter, Ohio seems to be grey and boring, and not to mention its cold. I wonder what a winter in Finland would look like...It would obviously be colder, but would it be prettier than it is here in Columbus/Grove City?

Winter is not one of the seasons that I like, and it seems to drag on forever, to be honest, I think fall and spring have more 'character' than winter. They are much funner to write about.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love, Laugh, Listen

Music is amazing. There is an enormous number of genres: Metal, Pop, Country, Latin, etc. Each person has their own individual set of musical likes and dislikes. Personally, I tend to listen to most rock genres: Metal, Alternative, etc. I admire those people that can listen to almost everything, they can just scan through the radio stations ^.^ Music goes almost as far back as humanity itself. The instruments may have changed but the idea of music bringing joy or carrying a message within the notes is the same.

My first introduction to music was when I had piano lessons in about 3rd grade. I will always enjoy that I learned how to read music there. I have since then lost any bit of skill that I may have had and I'd love to learn again someday, but this time keep it up. I was in band for 6th-8th grade; I played the clarinet. That was fun, but I didn't have the motivation to continue on to high school band, mostly because I just don't think I'd enjoy it as a class. 

I love music and how different it can be, but still be the same. Music is something that nobody can really take from you and I love trying to find the meaning and see the hard work that the artist put into the notes and rhythms.